Sunday 29 June 2008

Almost the Last Day in June

Tomorrow will be the last day of June and the sun is shining. A few minutes ago the rain was pouring sown in a real downpour but now it is bright and sunny again. I'm at work but it is nice and quite so I have time to write this and contemplate life. I wonder what new and exciting things will happen in July. I know that my grandson will be one year old on the 24th so that will be a milestone is his life, he is walking now and really bright and so full of smiles. OK I'm biased but I'd hate to be any other way.
My garden is looking good, loads of strawberries ready to pick and lots more still green so it looks like a good crop this year. I'm thinking of putting a special bed for them in the greenhouse and trying to grow some early next year. I'm also relieved that the mint is starting to grow again, it was a mass of dead looking woody stems and I cut it right back last autumn and thought I'd killed it completely but it now seems to be recovering.
We've been out a few times in the past week; to a couple of classical concerts last weekends and jazz last Monday. All were great concerts and very enjoyable. I think we went twice to a local vegan restaurant and had their tappas, we both love tappas and it is so good to eat at Mono knowing that everything is good for us. We have also had a few barbeques as we are determined to catch as much good weather as possible.
I've been really lazy recently and used the bus to and from work each day as I've been doing 9.00 to 17.00 shifts it was easy to meet Anne after work. I am determined to get back on my bike tomorrow, I'll be working 13.00 to 21.00 shifts next week and cycling is a quicker way of getting home at that time and over next weekend avoids the busses that can be full of happy drunks. I enjoy cycling and find it a great way to keep fit. I've just checked my BMI and I'm a healthy weight. ( ) I do not bother much but when I returned to cycling after many years I dropped my trouser waist size from feeling that 36 inch was too tight to fitting comfortably in a 34 inch. OK I think that is enough for today except to thank anyone who reads this for bothering to do so and also thanks everyone who has left a comment.

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