Wednesday 11 June 2008

Long time away from here

It is absolutely ages since I wrote anything in here. I must have been too busy working to manage. I do tend to write these blogs at work when on a nice late shift. I've not done too many of them recently so that might explain my absence. In fact my late shifts are now not too late as they have been changed to run from 14:30 to 22:30 instead of the old 16:00 to midnight. I like the earlier shift as it means I get home the same day I started.
I really should be cycling to work but recently have been far too lazy and so have not bother with the bike but have used the bus. When I am working through the day it I good to use the bus and meet Anne after work, have a drink in Glasgow then travel home together. No excuses for not cycling to these late shifts so maybe tomorrow I will.
Other news is they my daughter plans to get married in October, always assuming her fiancé can get a visa sorted out. Not easy to enter and remain in the UK if you are black and born in Africa.
My garden is looking good. Loads of strawberries and tomatoes and a fair number of beans. The potato plants are looking big and healthy.
I need more time in the garden as well as other jobs to do around the house. I was off all day on Monday and I managed to roughcast round the vents and flue from the central heating boiler that I fitted last year. It took me as while to find a source of the right colour of roughcasting chips but it looks a good match now.
I'll finish this for now and will try to return and write more soon.
I've had a few nice comments about previous blogs, all are appreciated.

1 comment:

Pan said...

thanks for your comment on my blog.
You're so right about the visa thing. I'm white and born in africa and got in on my ancestors mainly english and scottish.
We had friends who would have liked to move here but they would have found it very difficult.
Good luck to him.