Friday 28 March 2008


I've been off work for two days and have got a power of work done at home. We had a minor problem with the waste pipe from our bath leaking slightly and yesterday I rerouted the outlet from the toilet into a replacement plastic pipe so that next week I can connect the bath to it and do away with the old leaking pipe. The old walls in this house are very thick so any pipes going through walls takes ages, I spent a good part of yesterday on a ladder drilling through the outside wall, it is done and the gap roughly cemented up now.
Today is Friday and we started by cooking a load of soup so we can freeze it as we both like to take this to work for lunch. We also got into the garden and got two lots of early potatoes planted, the main vegetable area dug over and lots of cleaning up and tidying done. As it was a holiday we accompanied this hard work with several glasses of home made wine.
A good and satisfying couple of days

Sunday 23 March 2008

The day after my birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and it turned out to be a really good day. I got home about midnight after a late shift on the Friday and we had a few glasses of wine while watching TV.
I woke up on the Saturday morning when I got a text wishing me a happy birthday. I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of fresh potato scones and then worked a bit more on my family search. I've now got 260 people in my family tree going back to the 14th century and I am pretty certain I have details of even further back.
In the afternoon I managed to do a little patch of concreting in my garden, it was just a small patch next to the compost heaps and I wanted to finish it so that I can empty a compost bin next weekend, far easier on concrete that on rough ground. If the weather is decent I'll try to get a worm composer going again, I think it is getting warm enough and it will be good to get the liquid feed and such from the worms.
I'm planning to meet my wife and go for a drink after work today, or to be more exact Anne plans to come in and meet me. It's nice to have a drink on the way home and unwind after 8 hours answering lots of phone calls. At the moment the weather looks bright and dry so it should be nice to wander around Glasgow city Centre.

Friday 21 March 2008

Friday Night

Oh well it is 9:30 on a Friday night and I'm at work. It seems I write most of these blogs at work during my breaks or spells with no phone calls coming in.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm off work so planning to enjoy the day. I'll start by opening a nice bottle of cold white wine when I get home and then see how the day progresses. The weather forecast is for sunshine here in Glasgow so I might even spend some time in the garden or greenhouse and try to get weeds out and plants in.
I'll enjoy the day no matter what as Sunday I'll be back here at 07:30 for an early shift. I would like to go somewhere interesting by bus, I'll have had my free bus pass for a year tomorrow and have had some great trips. (Scotland is great, all us aged over 60 people get a free pass for just about any bus within Scotland.)
My family tree is growing, I seem to have got back to the 12th or 13th century but unfortunately no really rich relatives who left me loads of cash.

Tuesday 18 March 2008


A day off and not got as much done as I had hoped. I spent a while updating my family tree having got a lot of information from a relative in Australia. Her grandparents are my great grandparents so I think she was my father's cousin. all very interesting and I'd love to discover more about my background.
I also went shopping and got some ink cartridges for my printer, so expensive I really am tempted to buy a laser printer.
I need to alter the pipework in our bathroom, the bath waste runs down an old cast iron pipe through the bathroom in the flat below us and it is leaking slightly. I plan to disconnect that pipe and run the waste pipe to the outside using new plastic pipes, that will solve the problem and the folks downstairs can get the old pipe removed if they want.
Anne is not at all well, her back is really sore, she damaged it in a car crash a long time ago, she struggles on but is in pain. We cooked our meal together today which we both enjoy, a rather nice meal of soya mince cooked with garlic, chili, onions and peas and some boiled potatoes, a nice tasty dish and so easy to make.
well not a lot more to write and I wonder if anyone will ever read this.

Saturday 15 March 2008


It is a Saturday and I was up at 6.10 this morning so that I could catch a bus to work. I started at 8:00 which is not too bad as it means that I'll be finished by 16:00. Not too bad to be working on a wet day but I am looking forward to next Saturday when I am off and which is also my birthday.

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Raining Again!!

Oh well it is pouring down. I was looking forward to leaving work and going home nd even if it is raining I'll still eave at 21:00. I'm off tomorrow and Thursday so I'm hoping that it will be dry and maybe even sunny. No fixed plans but I got a new GPS for my birthday, ok it was an early present, and I want to get out and try it without getting soaked. I had a look at maps to add to it and I can buy these on line cheaper than in any local shop so that is a task for tomorrow too.
I heard from a person in Australia who seems to have the same great grandparents as me, does that mean we are related? She is mailing me some more information which will be fascinating.
No phone calls I the last 10 minutes, I keep checking my phone in case it is turned off!

Will anyone ever read this? Do make a comment if you do so I know that these words of non wisdom are not lost forever.

Monday 10 March 2008

Getting late

Feeling bored as no-one seems to be calling just now and it is another 40 minutes until my shift ends. Not been a bad shift so far, some really nice people calling and asking sensible questions and actually saying £thank you" when I help them. An unusual shift as so far no-one has sworn at me, why do perfectly respectable people think it is acceptable to swear at agents working in call centres?
The weather has been ok today; Scotland seems to have missed the storms that have been hitting the South of England. I really want to get out on my bike soon; I should be cycling to and from work and getting fit and losing a bit of weight again, much healthier than using the bus. Next week is early shifts so I might decide to cycle and I might even manage both directions in day light which will be great.


Now athome and just checking emails and chatting to friendson yahoo and msn messenger. A dry day but cold and I can't really be bothered going into the garden especially as I start work again at 16:00 and will work to midnight. Not sure about food today, always hard to work out when to eat on this shift.

Sunday 9 March 2008

My first blog

Why am I writing this? Will anyone ever read it? Questions: but no answers. I'm at work and not busy so can take a few minutes to join that great multitude of bloggers who share their thoughts and lives with the world.
Why did I choose this user name? John4703. Well in fact I only chose the last part, the first part was chosen nearly 61 years ago by my parents when they decided to call me John. I was born in March 1947 so the year and month sort of manage to make the number 4703. It seems to be available so I used it. It my name on here and on other social networking sites.
I'm t work in a contact centre and for the moment the phones have gone quiet and I have time to think. Midnight I'll go home, it is now nearly 7:00 pm, or 19:00 as I prefer the 24-hour clock, much less chance of getting mornings and evenings mixed up. I'm working from 16:00 to midnight today and tomorrow then a mid shift on Tuesday followed by two days off. J
It is dry here in Glasgow just now, the sound of a police helicopter fills he air but no sound of wind or rain, I hope it is dry tomorrow because I want to wlk to the shops and order a new pair of glasses, I had my eyes tested a few weeks ago and have decided to go and other new specs now.
OK that’s enough for this session.