Thursday 15 May 2008

Great Week

Well a very interesting week. Great weather and so lots done in the garden and I'm working early shifts all week, starting at 07:15 and finishing at 15:15 so I get to enjoy the warm sunny evenings.
On Monday morning I got a text from my daughter; her partner proposed on Sunday evening so she is getting married. I have no further information but I am sure she will let me know as soon as she decides what she wants. It will be great to see her married and her partner is a great person and they both absolutely adore their son who is now nine months old.
Today is my wedding anniversary, four years today. We will meet after work and celebrate but not too much as I'm back here at 07:15 this morning 
Yesterday I fed my tomato plants, great when they have grown to a size that need feeding and I'm looking forward to eating some fresh fruit off them in the not too far distant future.
Yesterday we also went to B & Q and got more seeds so a plentiful supply of garden produce should be the result if the weather is kind to us this summer.

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