Sunday 11 May 2008

Summer at Last

Summer seems to have arrived at last. Yesterday was a bright and sunny day and we got loads done in the garden. I should really back track a few days to Wednesday when I bought some timber and also plastic guttering that I have fitted under the netting that covers our vegetable garden. Yesterday I transplanted all my strawberry plants into this guttering and filled up the odd gaps with compost. We hope that we will get a good load of strawberries and the birds and slugs will not be able to get at them. The patio area where we had the strawberry pots last year looks better and we will plant some nice flowers in pots to brighten it up a lot. We had a great barbeque and cooked this great mix We are planning to have the same again tonight.
Friday night we went to a free Jazz concert. It was Jazz on Radio Three and was at the new BBC headquarters in Glasgow, a great evening of music and vast quantities of free wine, we a couple of glasses each.
Saturday night we went to hear a local Scottish Guitar and Mandolin Orchestra perform with a similar orchestra from Berlin. A bit of a nightmare getting to the event as we missed to bus stop, my fault as I forgot to take a map so we sort of tried to guess the way. We ended up getting a taxi for the last part of the journey but coming home we found the right bus stop and managed to catch the last bus. The music was great and we really enjoyed hearing such a mass of stringed instruments, I think about 60 people on stage at one time.


Laura said...

I hope your wine was vegan? lol

John4703 said...

I make a lot of my own wine so make sure it does not contan any nasty animal products.
I also like drinking in Mono, Stereo and The 78 as they all have a good selection of vegan alcohol