Tuesday 11 March 2008

Raining Again!!

Oh well it is pouring down. I was looking forward to leaving work and going home nd even if it is raining I'll still eave at 21:00. I'm off tomorrow and Thursday so I'm hoping that it will be dry and maybe even sunny. No fixed plans but I got a new GPS for my birthday, ok it was an early present, and I want to get out and try it without getting soaked. I had a look at maps to add to it and I can buy these on line cheaper than in any local shop so that is a task for tomorrow too.
I heard from a person in Australia who seems to have the same great grandparents as me, does that mean we are related? She is mailing me some more information which will be fascinating.
No phone calls I the last 10 minutes, I keep checking my phone in case it is turned off!

Will anyone ever read this? Do make a comment if you do so I know that these words of non wisdom are not lost forever.

1 comment:

Meggie said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! GPS has gotten so advanced these days it's amazing. When I was in University I remember a prof showing his off like it belonged in a museum--now they're everywhere!

Have a good week.