Sunday 23 March 2008

The day after my birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and it turned out to be a really good day. I got home about midnight after a late shift on the Friday and we had a few glasses of wine while watching TV.
I woke up on the Saturday morning when I got a text wishing me a happy birthday. I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of fresh potato scones and then worked a bit more on my family search. I've now got 260 people in my family tree going back to the 14th century and I am pretty certain I have details of even further back.
In the afternoon I managed to do a little patch of concreting in my garden, it was just a small patch next to the compost heaps and I wanted to finish it so that I can empty a compost bin next weekend, far easier on concrete that on rough ground. If the weather is decent I'll try to get a worm composer going again, I think it is getting warm enough and it will be good to get the liquid feed and such from the worms.
I'm planning to meet my wife and go for a drink after work today, or to be more exact Anne plans to come in and meet me. It's nice to have a drink on the way home and unwind after 8 hours answering lots of phone calls. At the moment the weather looks bright and dry so it should be nice to wander around Glasgow city Centre.

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