Friday 4 April 2008

I've been sick

I felt ill all day Monday at work and came home and was in bed by 6:00 and slept all Tuesday and only started to feel even half human on Wednesday. I have not returned to work as I still have no energy and can hardly keep awake but it was only flu and will pass even if slowly.
Today is Friday nd I managed to go to B & Q and so I should have all the plumbing stuff that I need to finish the necessary work in my bathroom, I also returned the extra pipes that I'd bought as a massive miscalculation of where they had to run to.
I'm off work tomorrow and back in work at 9:00 on Sunday morning.
I've been working on my family tree, I've got back to some ancestor who was born in 1270 which is pretty good and another who was a sir!!! No riches though

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